2023-2024 Concert Season

Homecoming Pregame Performance

The Maryville Singers and Maryville Choirs alumni will perform The National Anthem and the MHS Alma Mater during pregame ceremonies on Friday, September 15 A reception for alumni will be held in the MHS Auditorium starting at 5:45 pm.

Fall Gala Concert

The Fall Gala Chorus Concert will be Thursday, September 28 in the Maryville First Baptist sanctuary, beginning at 7 pm. This is our annual fundraiser concert to fund our Chorus Scholarships! Admission is $5 at the door.

Holiday Sacred Choral Concert

The Holiday Sacred Choral Concert will be Thursday, December 7 in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church, beginning at 7 pm. Admission is free.

Midterm Voice Recital

The Midterm Voice Recital for private voice students will be Sunday, December 3 in the MHS Main Auditorium, beginning at 4 pm. Admission is free.

Midwinter Choral Concert

The Midwinter Choral Concert will be Monday, March 4in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church, beginning at 7 pm. Admission is free.

JB Lyle Choral Festival

Our field trip to participate in the JB Lyle Choral Festival will be Tuesday, March 5. We’ll leave early in the morning to travel to Chattanooga, returning after the end of the school day.

MS Choral Festival

Our field trip to participate in the Middle School Concert Performance Assessment will be Thursday, April 4. We’ll leave early in the morning to travel to Oak Ridge, returning after the end of the school day. Students will wear formal concert attire.

Spring Choral Concert

The Spring Choral Concert will be Thursday, April 18 in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church, beginning at 7 pm. Admission is free.

ACDA State Choral Festival

Our field trip to participate in the ACDA State Choral Festival will be Friday, April 19. We’ll leave early in the morning to travel to Knoxville, returning after the end of the school day.

Spring Voice Recital

The Spring Voice Recital will be Sunday, April 28 in the MHS Main Auditorium, beginning at 4 pm. Admission is free.

Baccalaureate Service Performance

The Baccalaureate service will take place Thursday, May 9 in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church, beginning at 7 pm. Admission is free.

Graduation Ceremony Performance

The Graduation ceremony will take place Friday, May 10 in the MHS Football stadium, beginning at 7:30 pm. Admission is free.