Here’s what is coming up in the next 2 weeks as we finalize our preparation for the March 5 field trip to Chattanooga for the JB Lyle Choral Festival:
- Tuesday, Feb 20: After-school rehearsal for Chorus 1 and Chorus 4 students. This rehearsal will take place at the Junior High in either the auditorium or the Choir/Orchestra room, and will end no later than 5 pm.
- Monday, Feb 26: After-school rehearsal for Chorus 1 and Chorus 4 students. This rehearsal will take place at the High School in the Choir/Orchestra room, and will end no later than 5 pm.
- Monday, Mar 4:
- Field trip to First Baptist for a combined Chorus 1 and Chorus 4 rehearsal. I’m sending home hard copies of the field trip permission form, but you can get a copy here. JH students will eat lunch at school and return in time for 5th period. HS students will bring a lunch from home or get a grab-n-go lunch in the cafeteria and return in time for 4th block.
- Midwinter Choral Concert at First Baptist. Because the students will be wearing their formal concert attire for Tuesday’s field trip, the concert attire expectation for this concert is more casual: school color shirts (red and/or black) and jeans. Call time is 6:30 pm, concert at 7 pm. Admission is free.
- Tuesday, Mar 5: Field trip to Chattanooga for the JB Lyle Choral Festival. Here’s our performance schedule:
- The Maryville Chorale (Chorus 4) will enter the warmup room at 9:15 am, perform at 9:30 am, and sight-read at 9:45 am.
- The Maryville Singers (Chorus 1 and Chorus 4) will change into their concert attire at 10:15 am, enter the warmup room at 10:30 am, perform at 10:45 am, and sight-read at 11 am.
- Because we need to be at FBC Chattanooga at 9:15, we’ll need to leave earlier than previously planned. We will now load the bus at 6:40 am in the Foothills Mall parking lot. The bus will leave at 6:50.
- Chorus 3 students may ride the bus in casual attire, bringing their concert attire (gowns, white shirt and slacks, etc.) with them. Chorus 4 students will need to be wearing whatever they will wear under their robes when they board the bus.
- After we perform, will will eat lunch in the Hamilton Place Food Court. Please send money with your student for a fast-food lunch!
- Please return permission forms and field trip fees ASAP. You can get a copy of the permission form here.