Click here to see the article about our Summer Events/

Click here to see the article about our Summer Events/
For a detailed itinerary for Friday and Saturday, click here. Performance attire for Friday: all students should wear jeans and
Buckle up–it’s Spring Concert Week and State Festival Week all rolled into one! Our Spring Concert will be Thursday, starting
Here’s what is coming up in the next 2 weeks as we finalize our preparation for the March 5 field
Click here for a pdf with translations for the foreign texts in this year’s Holiday Sacred Concerts.
Some reminders: Next week:
Just a quick reminder: all chorus students have two upcoming after-school rehearsals as we finalize our preparations for the Dec
Don’t forget! The Junior High choirs (8th and 9th grades) will rehearse immediately after school on Monday, Oct 30. This
Congratulations to the following MJHS 9th graders upon their selection to the 2023 All-East Freshmen Honors Chorus!
We’re changing the concert attire expectations for the Nov 10 JH Veteran’s Day performance. Instead of “formal concert attire” let’s